var Class = { create: function () { /// /// Creates a new class definition. /// return function () { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; } }; var Namespace = { create: function (name) { /// /// Creates a new namespace. /// /// /// Full name for the new namespace. /// var chk = false; var cob = ""; var spc = name.split("."); for (var i = 0; i < spc.length; i++) { if (cob != "") { cob += "."; } cob += spc[i]; chk = this.exists(cob); if (!chk) { this.add(cob); } } if (chk) { throw "Namespace: " + name + " is already defined."; } }, add: function (cob) { eval("window." + cob + " = new Object();"); }, exists: function (cob) { eval('var NE = false; try{if(' + cob + '){NE = true;}else{NE = false;}}catch(err){NE=false;}'); return NE; } }; Array.prototype.contains = function (item) { /// Verifies if an object is contained by the array. /// Candidate item of the array /// bool for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == item) return true; } return false; }; Array.prototype.add = function (item) { this.unshift(item); $.unique(this); }; Array.prototype.remove = function (item) { var removed = false; var index = 0; while ((index < this.length) && !removed) { if (this[index] == item) { this.splice(index, 1); removed = true; } index++; } }; String.prototype.format = function () { var args = arguments; var isObjectParameter = (typeof args[0] === 'object'); if (isObjectParameter) { var obj = args[0]; return this.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function (match, name) { return typeof obj[name] != 'undefined' ? obj[name] : match; }); } else { return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); } }; $.fn.serializeObject = function () { var o = {}; var a = this.serializeArray(); $.each(a, function () { if (o[] !== undefined) { if (!o[].push) { o[] = [o[]]; } o[].push(this.value || ''); } else { o[] = this.value || ''; } }); return o; }; Number.prototype.padLeft = function (digits) { var result = this.toFixed(0); var temp = digits - result.length; var zeros = ""; while (temp > 0) { zeros += '0'; temp--; } return zeros + result; }; Number.prototype.toBrazilianCurrency = function () { var aux = this.toFixed(2); var decimalPart = parseInt(aux.split('.')[1]); var integralPart = parseInt(aux.split('.')[0]); var integralWithSeparators = addSeparators(integralPart, '.'); return 'R$ ' + integralWithSeparators + ',' + decimalPart.padLeft(2); }; function addSeparators(value, separator) { var rightmost = 0; var leftmost = value; var result = ''; while (leftmost > 999) { rightmost = leftmost % 1000; leftmost = (leftmost - rightmost) / 1000; result = result + rightmost.padLeft(3); if (leftmost > 0) { result = separator + result; } } if (leftmost > 0) { result = leftmost.toFixed(0) + result; } return (result == '') ? '0' : result; } function GetCartAddLink(SkuId, SellerId, Quantity, salesChannel) { if (SkuId > 0 && Quantity > 0) { var giftList = ''; if (jscheckoutGiftListId != 'undefined' && jscheckoutGiftListId != '') { giftList = '&gr=' + jscheckoutGiftListId; } checkoutUrl = jscheckoutAddUrl + "/?sku=" + SkuId + "&seller=" + SellerId + "&qty=" + Quantity + "&sc=" + salesChannel + giftList + "&aaa"; } return checkoutUrl; }