function InitDeviceScan2() { //We'll use these 4 variables to speed other processing. They're super common. // isIphone = DetectIphoneOrIpod(); // isAndroidPhone = DetectAndroidPhone(); // isTierIphone = DetectTierIphone(); // isTierTablet = DetectTierTablet(); // //Optional: Comment these out if you don't need them. // isTierRichCss = DetectTierRichCss(); // isTierGenericMobile = DetectTierOtherPhones(); var ScreenMediaType = 0; //desktop var href = document.location.href; var origin = document.location.origin; var path = document.location.pathname; var search =; var hash = document.location.hash var pos = href.indexOf("?"); var aux = ''; if (DetectIphoneOrIpod()) ScreenMediaType = 2; //iphoneIpod if (DetectTierTablet()) ScreenMediaType = 3; // Tablet if (DetectAndroidPhone()) ScreenMediaType = 4; // Android if (DetectTierOtherPhones()) ScreenMediaType = 5; //generic if (DetectBlackBerry()) ScreenMediaType = 5; //generic //alert(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); if (ScreenMediaType != 0) { if (pos != -1) { aux = "&uam=true&mobile=" + ScreenMediaType } else { aux = "?uam=true&mobile=" + ScreenMediaType } document.location.href = origin + path + search + aux + hash; } }; //Now, run the initialization method. InitDeviceScan2();